It has been awhile since I wrote. Preparations for applications and life in general have taken up most of my time. This year I am applying to 6 different schools in as many different states. Each has its merits and will provide me with exciting new challenges and learning experiences. But I wont discuss them now. Instead I would like to share the ups and downs of my process.
First, I entered all the pertinent information into The Centralized Application Service for Occupational Therapy (OTCAS). I know there are some people out there who do not like what the implementation of OTCAS has done but I have found the process easy and rather painless. Grant it there are many hoops to jump through and boxes to check, but by making a centralized service for me to add my extracurriculars, undergraduate coursework, and observation hours it has made the process of applying to multiple schools easier. Now, each school can offer a shortened version of an application because they are confident that OTCAS will provide them with most everything they need to know.
After, entering all my vital statistics. I sought out the different schools I was planning on applying to to gather some more information on them and to discover their deadlines and if there was any extra requirements such as essays, or questionaires. There were of course but graduate school is full of things to accomplish and deadlines to meet. I look at it as a way to get a glimpse into life as a grad school student. The essays are perhaps the hardest part for me. Limited prompts meet maximum potential. Each school is interested in getting the most bang for their buck from the hundreds of applicants who apply each year. So they logically are looking for that extra piece of the puzzle that will make their program better. In many cases the way they find these people is through their essays, whether they be on what makes you a great fit for the program or ask you to analyze how your culture affects you and how you are perceived.
I am still working on the essays and anxiously awaiting the coming year. In it I will find out which school I will be attending. I will try to keep on top of the process and chronicle my journey. Until then...